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Justin Maxwell
Jul 14, 20233 min read
Trade Review: Walgreens Put Sale- Pre earnings:
I have this pact with a trading buddy - we both agreed to steer clear of trading a stock just before earnings. But guess what? Sometimes,...

Justin Maxwell
Jul 5, 20235 min read
Pyramiding Strategy: The Secret Power Move for Growing Wealth
Today I’m taking a slight detour from our usual options talk and I’m diving into a longer term strategy focused on trading shares of...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 28, 20234 min read
Over-Managing Math-Based Trades: When Too Much Control Is Your Worst Enemy
As traders generally want to be in control over our strategies, our risks, and our profits. But there's a fine line between sensible...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 23, 20234 min read
Cognitive Biases in Trading: Unveil Your Mind's Little Tricks
Have you ever thought about how your brain can trick you into making poor trading decisions? I know my brain plays tricks on me all the...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 21, 20235 min read
Trade Review: Goldman Sachs Buy Write to Covered Strangle
I'm starting a new series for the blog called Trade Review, if you have a better name for the category let me know! Today I'm talking...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 16, 20233 min read
Trading Lessons from the Appalachian Trail: One Step at a Time
I traded my comfortable surroundings for the wilderness of the Appalachian Trail spending 4 days and 3 nights on the trail, and it struck...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 14, 20233 min read
The Art of Patience in Option Trading - 'Paytience' That Pays Off!
Today I'm discussing a topic that's been crucial to my success as a trader – patience. But let's add a little twist to this virtue and...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 12, 20233 min read
Theta Decay is my Best Friend in Options Trading
Theta decay might sound like a different language or some obscure concept, but let me tell you – it's been my best friend in options...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 8, 20232 min read
Math Whiz Not Required: Conquering Math-Based Options Trading With Ease!
When I first heard the term "math-based options trading", I'll admit, I was a little intimidated. Visions of complex equations, dense...

Justin Maxwell
Jun 2, 20233 min read
Overconfidence – The Silent Profit Killer in Options Trading
When it comes to options trading, there's one word that trips up many traders: Overconfidence. I've seen so many put sellers get overly...

Justin Maxwell
May 31, 20233 min read
Setting Profit Targets: Why do we target 50% Profit in Math-Based Options Trading
Today we're discussing the rationale behind our standard 50% profit target strategy and how it contrasts with other trading styles like...

Justin Maxwell
May 26, 20232 min read
Decoding the 21 DTE Strategy: The Winning Approach to Rolling Option Trades
Today is Friday May 26th, 2023 and it's 21 days away from the regular June option expiration. What a great time to discuss a core...

Dr Eric B.
May 23, 202310 min read
Beginner’s Guide to Options Trading – Selling Put Options
This is an exciting article to write for several reasons. The biggest reason is that the art of selling a put has generated tons of...

Justin Maxwell
May 22, 20233 min read
Staying on Track: Managing Your Trading Plan During Vacation Season
Memorial Day weekend is coming up, summer is approaching! It's that time of the year where many of us take a well-deserved break to...

Justin Maxwell
May 17, 20232 min read
Don't Fear Losses: Embrace Them, Learn from Them, and Evolve
Embrace the unexpected – that thought is in the back of my mind for every trade I make. This is not scary to me anymore because I know...

Justin Maxwell
May 14, 20233 min read
Embracing the 'Bad' in Trading: A Day with Tasty Live Personalities in Atlanta
Sometimes to become 'good' at something, you have to embrace being 'bad'. This might sound counterintuitive, so let me explain. This...

Justin Maxwell
May 11, 20234 min read
Strategies for Small Accounts: A Technical Dive into Math-Based Options Trading
If you're trading with a small account and ready to take your options trading to the next level this blog post is for you. I'm discussing...

Justin Maxwell
May 10, 20232 min read
Combating the Urge to Trade Constantly: Quality Over Quantity
In the fast-paced world of trading, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you need to trade all the time. At Good Kids Trading...

Justin Maxwell
May 6, 20233 min read
It's Not Just About Entries: Exits Can Make or Break Trades
As options traders, we spend a considerable amount of time researching and planning our entry points. But what about exits? I see so many...

Justin Maxwell
Apr 28, 20233 min read
Staying Motivated and Disciplined in Options Trading: Keys to Long-term Success
Today I’m diving into the ‘secret sauce’ of successful trading: maintaining motivation and discipline. At Good Kids Trading (GKT), we're...

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